Activity 3.3.1 Air Pollution Core Activity
Air pollution basics: Air pollution is the presence of dangerous substances in the air contributes to detrimental health and environmental effects. There are three categories for these substances. There are sulfur pollutants, nitrogen pollutants, and hydrocarbon and volatile organic compound pollutants. Sulfur Pollutants Sulfur pollutants are a significant component of air pollution. They include sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. These pollutants are primarily emitted from sources like fossil fuel combustion and industrial processes. When released into the atmosphere, SO2 and H2S undergo oxidation and eventually form sulfate ions, which are negatively charged. Sulfates can combine with various cations to create compounds, such as ammonium sulfate, contributing to fine particulate haze and reduced visibility, especially in urban areas. Sulfur pollutants can have severe environmental and health consequences, including t...